Let me please introduce myself... I found out about development tools - and tools like Mmf2, construct, unity 3d instantly got me. I´ve been prototyping games ever since! And well, Music... don´t let me start the topic music! I love it. I live it. There was a time when I thought that people can get too old for it. But thats one of the oldest lies in this world. I don´t know who´s idea it was to tell others: "Guys... really. Stop it... you´re too old for that s#*t!" It´s just not true. All I can tell you is: Keep on playing games, keep on making music!


TUTORIAL: AutoTileGen in 5 Minutes!

Understand the basics of AutoTileGen -
Tutorial by ILIKESCIFI Games - ILIKESCIFI Games

"Make 2D tilesets for your games in seconds. Save development time and money by getting forty-eight tiles for the effort of three with added bonus features such as dynamic lighting, corner blending modes and more."


APP: Fake OS


I dont really know how useful it is. To be honest: it´s just a rebuild of an old OS like Workbench or Windows 3.1. It might be useful for FILMMAKERS who need a fake Os for a movie or maybe you just want to have your own OS from time to time to get away from the one you are using. Feel free to use it in any way you like!


  • Loading & Password Screen
  • Desktop with animated Icons
  • Media Player
  • Drawing Tool
  • Writing Tool
  • Web Browser
  • Additional Tools


DOWNLOAD (Windows)

GAME: Tirol Mountain Zombie Invasion


If you have ever been to Tirol / Austrial, you´ll realize two things. One: The people in tirol are extremly nice and awesome! Two: Something is SO not right when you are in a more "mountainish" area. Try to visit a Perchten Lauf when you are there and you will instantly know what i am talking about...

Oh, and by the way: The game has won the "Judge's Choice for the TDC Halloween Compo 2011". Awesome!

DOWNLOAD (Windows)

TUTORIAL: Platformer in 5 Minutes!

You always wanted to create your own platformer? GREAT! I can show you how to create a simple jump & run & shoot in 5 minutes! The tool I am using (and there are a ton of great tools out there) is called Multimedia Fusion 2. You can get a trial version here. Have fun! Create games!





The Soundtrack of the ILIKESCIFI Game: Stromfeld. Get the game here: Stromfeld (ios)


SOUNDTRACK: Pitiri 1977

pitiri 1977

The Soundtrack of the ILIKESCIFI Game: Pitiri 1977. Get the game here: Pitiri 1977 (Gamersgate)


TUTORIAL: Start Setup in Cubase in 5 Minutes!

Coming soon...